Printed walls

Create your wallpaper

Please choose

Choose your format. If you have a custom size (in sqm), don't hesitate to ask us for a quote
If you want to print 18 sqm, take 3 units of 6 sqm and you will get the right price. Detail your order in the comment section afterwards. 
Fabric or PVC banner < 5x10 meters available here.

Please choose

Colour mode is leading to standart white media
B&W mode is also leading to budget white and neon papers.

Please choose

Samples available in our workshops in Paris.
Printing on adhesive vinyle, click here.

Please click on the "Multidesigns" tab which explains whether you can combine - or not - several files in the same order.

Select option
Select extras options

Free pick-up in one of our h2 workshops in Paris. Compare several delivery options depending on Zipcode and total weight at the end of this form.

Please choose
Drag and drop your files here up to 250 MB

  •  Custom size available

  • Submit a file to us in the final format.

  •  Allow 5mm of bleed (pattern, image or colored background) to extend outside the actual area to be cut.

    More precisely
  •  Variable resolution depending on the size of your file.

  •  JPEG printing in RGB mode.

  •  Achieving a solid black.

  • Outline your fonts.

  • Check the size of my file

  •   Check the file resolution

  •  General file tips, click here. Our team is also at your disposal.

  •  Graphic design of your documents.

    Click here
  • How these media are cut ? 

  • Width of large-format rolls.

  • Samples available in our agency or workshops.

  •  I need a graphic designer for my files.

  • Packaging. 

  •  Paper printing : time delay varies depending on the printed footage.

  •  Wallpaper printing : time delay varies depending on the printed footage.

  •  A proof test can be carried out for your final order under certain conditions.


Wallpaper printing in Paris

Prepasted or adhesive wallpapers for short or long lasting use